What are we waiting for?

What are we waiting for? Walter, aka “Cletus” waiting for dinner to appear. Wait patiently for the Lord.Be brave and courageous. -Psalm 27:14 Our dog Walter’s mealtime habits have earned him the nickname “Cletus” after my husband’s maternal grandfather. Family lore has it...

Honoring the New Year

Honoring the New Year I made this Vision Notebook to remind myself of my 2020 priorities and goals. You’ll see the Honor verse in the bottom right corner. 19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do...

Are Big Fat Checkmarks Getting in Your Way?

In second grade I decided I would become an author. My plan was to write funny children’s books like Judy Blume’s “Super Fudge”– a definite fan favorite in 1982. My teacher, Mrs. Fossett, gave our class a weekly assignment to write a short story using our ten...

Who’s afraid of a little birthday?

Who’s afraid of a little birthday? About six years ago, I facilitated a weight-loss/fitness challenge for forty friends we called F5. As part of the shtick, I sent weekly affirmations and emails to the group meant to focus and encourage us as well as bring some humor and love to our strife for healthy...