Small Step #11. Eat Real Food

Small Step #11. Eat Real Food

The advice that I’ve tried to follow in my quest for health is to eat real food. The ingredient label for a sweet potato is : sweet potato.  Brussel sprouts: brussel sprouts. You get the gist.

Small Change #9. Just Say “NO”

Small Change #9. Just Say “NO”

You know those donuts in the office break room would taste delicious, but you also know they’re not on your plan for getting to your health goals. Who wants to tell themselves “No” in this situation?

Small Step #8. Embrace the Journey

Small Step #8. Embrace the Journey

The thing is, it took me a while to figure out that getting healthy is not something that happens in a check-the-box-straight-line. Or even a predictable line. Unlike my favorite 5K route, there’s no exact path to follow with clearly flagged turns and hazard markers

Small Step #7 Now, go take on the day

Small Step #7 Now, go take on the day

No matter what your morning routine is, it should be something that centers you mentally, emotionally, physically. It needs to put you in a positive place to be ready to take on whatever your day holds for you.