Small Change #1. But First, Coffee.
When I got serious about reading the ingredients of the food I was consuming, I took a closer look at what was in my morning cuppa joe.
When I got serious about reading the ingredients of the food I was consuming, I took a closer look at what was in my morning cuppa joe.
I recall thinking that in the middle of the transition it seemed we’d never reach the goal. But suddenly, there we would be. After waiting and waiting, we would finally make it.
Taking that first baby step made all the difference. It inspired another step and another. Soon, before I knew it, I had wobbled my way from the sofa to the coffee table and back and I was on my way to feeling more confident and self-assured about my wellness progress.
The point is this: something will happen that tears our focus away from our daily healthy living. Living focused day by day until that time prepares us for those days ahead when we can’t.