Poco a Poco

Poco a Poco

I recall thinking that in the middle of the transition it seemed we’d never reach the goal. But suddenly, there we would be. After waiting and waiting, we would finally make it.

Baby-stepping the Way

Baby-stepping the Way

Taking that first baby step made all the difference. It inspired another step and another. Soon, before I knew it, I had  wobbled my way from the sofa to the coffee table and back and I was on my way to feeling more confident and self-assured about my wellness progress.

A Little Nicer to Myself

A Little Nicer to Myself Sometimes you just need a gentle reminder. I am a really nice person. I suppose saying that about one’s self does not seem so “nice” if we are practicing what my Southern Granny would have called “Proper Manners.” But at the risk of sounding ill-mannered, I will...