by Emily | Apr 19, 2021 | Friends, Fun
I was surprised to discover how a gratitude practice helped me feel more positive about myself and the world. As a friend explained, “you can’t feel hateful and grateful at the same time.” But are we missing out if we keep our gratitudes confined to a journal we keep in a desk drawer? What could happen if we share our gratitudes with the people who helped create them?
by Emily | Feb 27, 2021 | Faith, Fitness
“We’ll get there when we get there!” is one of my favorite quotes from “The Incredibles” movie. But when it comes to my weight loss journey, sometimes I’d just like to GET THERE to Goal Weight, you know? Lately, however, I’ve realized that what’s happening along the path to that Magic Number is just as important as that Goal.
by Emily | Feb 2, 2021 | Faith
As a kid, I was an avid reader who learned many life lessons from book friends like Fern Arable and Scout Finch. They often brought me comfort and hope, and I wondered if I could provide the same to a struggling young audience myself.
by Emily | Jan 12, 2021 | Fitness, Friends
Since I’ve had a yard, I longed to have a picture worthy flower garden. Similarly, I’ve always wanted to be an active person who exuded fitness and positivity. The lessons I learned as a gardener helped me progress to my wellness goals once I stopped investing in quick-payoff behaviors and work toward long-term habit changes.
by Emily | Dec 11, 2020 | And Other F-Words, Fun, Uncategorized
Each time I wore these fun, festive pumps I got loads of compliments…and a nagging backache. I wish I could tell you that ill-fitting shoes were the only things in my life about which I’m in denial. Alas, no. I’ve come to realize my relationship with these pumps is similar to a few other not so great habits I have.