Small Step #7 Now, go take on the day

Small Step #7 Now, go take on the day

No matter what your morning routine is, it should be something that centers you mentally, emotionally, physically. It needs to put you in a positive place to be ready to take on whatever your day holds for you.

Small Change #6: Mindset Matters

Small Change #6: Mindset Matters

One of the most important A-HA! moments I’ve had on this journey was the day I realized I had been going about the business of getting healthy all wrong. Until then, I had been focusing on all the things I “had to do” in order to make the necessary changes in my life.

Small Change #2. You Snack it, You Track it

Small Change #2. You Snack it, You Track it

It seems like a lot of hassle to take time to record what you’ve just eaten or to track what you plan to eat at your next meal.  But if done the right way, and by “right” I mean “easy,” tracking your food consumption can be a powerful wellness tool.