Small Step #13. Read the Labels
Before: the peanut butter I used to eat–“hydrogenated vegetable oil”! Yikes!
After: My two-ingredient do-to peanut butter of choice.
Before: the peanut butter I used to eat–“hydrogenated vegetable oil”! Yikes!
After: My two-ingredient do-to peanut butter of choice.
If we’re striving to eat food closer to the plant in the ground and not the factory plant, this serves our goal.
The advice that I’ve tried to follow in my quest for health is to eat real food. The ingredient label for a sweet potato is : sweet potato. Brussel sprouts: brussel sprouts. You get the gist.
You know those donuts in the office break room would taste delicious, but you also know they’re not on your plan for getting to your health goals. Who wants to tell themselves “No” in this situation?
One of the most important A-HA! moments I’ve had on this journey was the day I realized I had been going about the business of getting healthy all wrong. Until then, I had been focusing on all the things I “had to do” in order to make the necessary changes in my life.
I came across a Warren Buffet quote the other day that resonated with me. It said,
“Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy.”