Small Step #31. Deal with Stress without Food
In the past, feeling out of control, or helpless, or angry or sad, I would run to food. Science supports that impulse: there is real evidence of the dopamine boosts certain foods give our brains and it can actually make us feel instantly better, give us a high. But we all know that downing a one pound bag of peanut M&M’s never really helped anyone in the long run, right? So, recognizing I was thirty pounds overweight and ignoring my feelings, I realized this was a behavior I needed to change. The cool thing is, I’ve begun to notice that the more I am able to converse with myself about the feelings I am having, the less often I find myself in front of that pantry door.

Are you prepared for the stormy seas?
The point is this: something will happen that tears our focus away from our daily healthy living. Living focused day by day until that time prepares us for those days ahead when we can’t.

The 4 Letter Word that Can Improve Your Life & Make You a Better Human
What if I told you that using a four letter word daily could improve your life and perhaps even make you a better person? Yeah, I know most of us were taught that using foul four-letter words in our daily conversation is disrespectful, rude and evidence of an...