Just Eat Sugar
You’re thinking , “What? Eat sugar? Who is this person and what is she talking about? I thought this was about getting healthy.” You’re right. It is. And that’s why I’m telling you if you’re going to put something in your morning beverage or whatever you’re baking, just use the real sugar. Skip those pink or yellow packets for good. Those ingredients are not real; they were made in a lab somewhere and quite frankly no one really knows the extent of what they do to our bodies. So while eating sugar isn’t great, at least you know it came from a plant…in the ground—not a factory plant! The key with using sugar is to use it as close to its original form as possible, so avoid the white. It’s been processed the most—I’m not saying that less refined sugar (turbinado, brown sugar, etc.) is “healthier” than white, I am merely saying it’s been through less processing and less human interaction. If we’re striving to eat food closer to the plant in the ground and not the factory plant, this serves our goal. So make this small change today and nix the yellow packet!