I used to get tripped up into thinking that if I wasn’t making some grand gesture advancement toward a health or exercise goal, it wasn’t worth it. I couldn’t just go for a run, I needed to be training for a marathon. It wasn’t enough to practice clean eating, I needed to lose ten pounds.
But one day I realized that in order to achieve any great change, I had to make smaller ones first. You know, the 1,000 mile journey begins with a single step. What I had to learn was to not take that single step for granted because. I had to recognize its importance as a necessary building block in the process of my health.
This realization helped me to see that even on days when my schedule might not allow for an hour long exercise session, I could still figure out how to do something for my health. On those days I could march in place in my living room during the commercial breaks of my favorite TV program. Over the course of an episode of Cobra Kai, I could rack up 3,00 steps! Or I could run a few sprints up the hill of my driveway and do ten squats when I reached the top. Even if I did only fifteen minutes of that, I knew I was doing something good for my leg muscles and lungs. A little something. This practice of doing a little something every day propelled me forward on the journey.