Caution: Shopping on an empty stomach can be detrimental to your wallet– and your health!

Oaky, okay, those last few Small Steps got pretty deep into the philosophical, didn’t they?  Let’s take a rest from all that pondering and switch gears.  We’ll get back to some practical, daily adjustments for a while here, yes? So here’s an easy one: Don’t grocery shop while hungry! A no-brainer, right? I mean, haven’t you noticed that you spend about 20% more money on groceries and buy a whole lot more junk when you cruise the aisles with your tummy rumbling? I know I do! Then I find myself breaking into whatever junk I just bought on the way home, shoveling whatever it is in my mouth in between stoplights and right hand turns. So, I’ve had to figure out how to save myself from this empty-calorie, bank account emptying behavior by filling my stomach before I head to the grocery store. 

Keep it simple—feed yourself before you go. Make it a small healthy meal, so that you’ve got nourishing food in your stomach and you’re thinking about your nutritious choices before you begin buying more food. Fill up on veggies and good protein and top it off with some healthy fats like half an avocado or a handful of walnuts. That way, you’ve got all you need to feel full and fortified for a healthy-choice-making shopping trip.