by Emily | Jul 29, 2020 | Faith
The Smith Family is full Incredibles get-up at WDW’s Not So Scary Halloween 2013 From the first time I saw it, I loved the movie The Incredibles. With an older daughter and two sons, our family lines up as the characters do and we’ve always enjoyed identifying...
by Emily | Feb 24, 2020 | Faith
Walter, aka “Cletus” waiting for dinner to appear. Wait patiently for the Lord.Be brave and courageous. -Psalm 27:14 Our dog Walter’s mealtime habits have earned him the nickname “Cletus” after my husband’s maternal grandfather. Family lore has it...
by Emily | Jun 20, 2018 | Faith
About six years ago, I facilitated a weight-loss/fitness challenge for forty friends we called F5. As part of the shtick, I sent weekly affirmations and emails to the group meant to focus and encourage us as well as bring some humor and love to our strife for healthy...